What is racism as a relational concept?

What is racism as a relational concept?

Preliminary thoughts for a conceptual and ethnographic approach by Manuela Bojadžijev & Serhat Karakayalı (Humboldt-Universität)   Developments of a critical research on racism have ever since been confronted with the fact that racism constructs hierarchical identities that seem irreducible/irrefragable for…

Expanding the Margins

Expanding the Margins

by Sandro Mezzadra (University of Bologna) The lecture is meant as a general introduction to the topic of the summer school. I will start with a short presentation of the main points made in the book I recently published with…

Knowledge production and the politics of ‘integration’ in contemporary Europe: challenging the depoliticisation of (anti-)racism

Knowledge production and the politics of ‘integration’ in contemporary Europe: challenging the depoliticisation of (anti-)racism

by Silvia Rodríguez Maeso Coordination: This seminar will discuss the enduring difficulties of addressing racism as a political phenomenon that shapes the normal functioning of institutions and everyday social relations within the so-called democratic societies. It will focus on the…

Border Struggles in the Migrant Metropolis

Border Struggles in the Migrant Metropolis

by Nicholas de Genova Transnational migration is a central and constitutive dynamic in the social production (and transformation) of urban space. These transnational urban conjunctures are indisputably generated very much within the territorial boundaries and jurisdictions of nation-states, and in…

Why Should we Go back to the Histories of Immigration of Late and Early Twentieth Century?

Why Should we Go back to the Histories of Immigration of Late and Early Twentieth Century?

by Ranabir Samaddar